Sustainable Connection & OpenSourceLiving Merger

sustainable connection logo off site  

 Press Release


Long Island, New York – (May 18, 2015) – Sustainable Connection is pleased to announce it’s merger with Los Angeles based Non-Profit Organization OpenSourceLiving. Each individual organization brings a unique and complementary strategic component to the merger resulting in a horizontally-integrated entity with effective collaborative efforts. The public launch of the site, which includes a market place and crowdfunding platform is already in final beta testing and expected to soft launch this summer coincided with its first community initiative “Seeds of Change”. We expect an official launch of the network by winter. Land acquisitions for the first Blue Zone Community will soon follow.

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Sustainable Connection will independently continue their local program “Grow it Forward” throughout 2016, but will disregard their 501(c)(3) application.OpenSourceLiving will acquire all operational resources from the merger. Sustainable Connection’s founder, Keri-Anne Slater, will be joining the the OSL Board of Directors as Marketing Director. “I am excited to have joined with OpenSourceLiving. It’s Founder and Executive Director, Jared Hungerford, and I have spoken at length about our shared goals. We are confident that combining our efforts is the best way to see them realized.” she said. This sustainable connection between two similar organizations on opposite coasts proves, The age of, Do-It-Yourself” is over. The age of “Do-It-Together” is coming!

Contact: PR at Dandelion E & M

(516) 945-9474   

